Monday, May 11, 2009

Jonas Armstrong and Mark Wells


  1. CW, you're the best! Thank you for all these great photos--you rock!

  2. CW - thanks for doing this. These are great photos for all to enjoy. Jonas has a special place in my heart. Love to see all photos but I will specially enjoy any with him in them.

  3. CW, thank you so much for these fantastic pictures. You're the best !

  4. Hey Chris the pic's make me want to be out there with you guys but for now I'm happy holding the fort down in Cali. Keep up the good work buddy!

  5. Sounds quite hectic out there at the moment, thanks for taking the time to update us. Lovely to see the pictures. Especially our Jonas. x

  6. Thanks CW for keeping us up to date w/the production. I'm a Jonas fan, too! xxx

  7. I'm a very keen Jonas Fan too Chris, and thank you for your very interesting blog. It's great to learn how much goes into the making of something like this. Look forward to future blogs from you.

  8. Hey, Chris! How are ya doin'? I guess you've been really busy, as you haven't posted in a while? Please try and post something soon, as we're anxious to know how the filming's going. Thanks and big hugs to you!

  9. I love how you've done this CW, huuuuge Jonas fan along with the others, keep it coming though! Especially info on when the premiere in London is :)

  10. This is great. Thanks for posting. Story about Hungarian Jewish resistance. What's the reason for filming in Romania? Where in Romania? and why not Budapest?
